Causes of Salty Taste in Mouth and Treatment

We have tiny taste buds on our tongue which tells our brain the exact taste of eating food. No doubt that these taste buds are a great blessing of our one Almighty creator. Some people lost the functionality of these taste buds due to some chronic diseases and they can tell you exactly about this great blessing. Normally our mouth is tasteless unless eat or drink something, but sometimes we find a metallic taste, bitter taste, sweet taste and salty taste in our mouth without eating any thing. In some cases we found that everything we are eating giving a salty taste, if you got problems like that it is a clear signal that something is going wrong inside you. Now we are going to discuss salty taste on tongue symptoms and its treatment.

Salty taste in mouth causes:-

  • If you are a married woman then it can be a sign of pregnancy.
  • Type 2 Diabetes patient feels a constant dryness and salty taste in mouth.
  • You may have a Salivary gland infection; in this case you mostly feel salty saliva on your tongue.
  • Dehydration, gastric problems and constipation can bring this issue too.
  • Bile reflux with vomiting conditions can also create a salty taste in your mouth.
  • A cough with mucus can also be a cause.
  • Any problem with thyroid glands or infection in throat can also cause this problem.
  • A person who is sweating salty can also face this problem.
  • Swelling in gums or some other dental problems can cause a salty taste.
  • Smoking can effect on your taste buds and you may feel a bitter or salty taste after smoking every time.
  • Eating to much salt in every meal can also be a reason.
  • In fever everything taste salty or biter too.

Home remedies and natural treatment for salty taste:-

  • First of all you must quit smoking as soon as possible, for a complete cure.
  • Do not use a tooth paste with calcium chloride.
  • Drink at least 3 liter clean water everyday.
  • Minimize salt in your daily food.
  • Avoid spicy foods and junk foods like pizza, burger, etc.
  • Walk at least 40 steps after every meal.
  • Finish your meal with a little hunger.
  • Go to sleep after 2 hours of your dinner.
  • Use one spoon of honey in one glass water early morning.

You can also use some homeopathic remedies for this disorder; we will discuss homeopathy treatment for this issue in our future posts, so keep in touch.

1 comment:

  1. I mostly get a salty taste in mouth with swelling gums. Thanks for your advice for a natural cure.



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