Nargis Fakhri is new rocking actress of Bollywood who already get enough fame before her launching in Indian film industry. Every gossip site and blogs post Nargis Fakhri hot stills and photographs on daily bases, news and entertainment channels are also producing hot stuff about Nargis Fakhri in their showbiz stories. Her first movie “Rock Star” will be launch in 2012 with Ranbir Kapoor in which she play the central role and wear very short dresses.
Nargis Fakhri is bit different from ordinary Bollywood actresses, like Katrina Kaif she is also not good in Hindi because she was born and grows up in United States, before starting her film career she was a local model in New York fashion agency. She is smarter and slim than any other Bollywood actress but her acting skills are not so perfect, she may train for this industry in next few years.
We talked a lot about her career and definite success in the industry now lets talk about Nargis Fakhri fitness and diet plan. In her recent interview with Star Dust magazine, she told some secrets about her slim and curved body. We just obtained a little information about Nargis Fakhri workout and exercises but we will update you more about her because we have an eye on her all public activities.
Nargis Fakhri Diet and Workout:-
Nargis Fakhri told in interview that she is mad about dance an from her childhood she participates in various dance competitions and in her free time at home she start dance on her favorite songs, she believe that dance keep her body fit and slim.
Nargis Fakhri is pure vegetarian and she also don’t like to eat Pizza or any other fast food with chicken, she like Chinese soups. Nargis Fakhri uses Aloe Vera jell to keep her skin soft and smooth.
Nargis Fakhri Hot
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She died in Rock Star movie and her body measurements are also looking too skinny, do I know her bra size or her exact figure measurements?