Heidi Klum Diet Plan and Workout Regime

Heidi Klum is 35 years old Dutch model who was born in a backward village of Germany and do not completed her higher studies due to some financial problems but now she arrange her seat between the most educated and successful women on the world, she is a successful fashion designer, businesswoman and highest paid model for the year 2011. Heidi Klum got various national and international rewards and medals due to her awesome performance in American and UK fashion weeks.

Heidi Klum Measurements:-
Do you know how tall Heidi Klum is? Her height is just 5’ and 7”.
Her weight is 47 KG
Heidi Klum shoes size is 6 according to American shoes size.

Heidi Klum Diet:-
Heidi Klum die plan is based on some very special food items, she is very conscious about her health and body fitness, she also hired a French health advisor who always move with her on every fashion event and Hollywood parties, she strictly follow her advisor advise and use only selected food item during public and private parties too.

Heidi Klum Workout regime:-
As you know that she is sports illustrated model and mostly appears in sports wear ads. You can easily judge her well shaped and natural curved body. Heidi Klum workout routine consist on upper push ups (5 minutes), forearm and abdominal push ups ( 7 minutes), thigh lifts for both legs ( 20 sets daily), 15 minutes of swimming and morning jogging.

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