In this short article we will teach you about how to apply Sally Hansen crackle nail polish in an advanced way. By following these easy tips you can safely apply any crackle polish on your nails without any damage or bad effect.
How to apply crackle nail polish:-
- Make sure that you don not have any fungus or skin disease before applying crackle nail polish.
- Your nails must be dry before applying the polish.
- First of all apply a base polish on your nails, you can select any ordinary polish of your favorite color for this style, also make sure that you nail polish should not be water proof.
- Your base polish must be thin coated and light in color if you want to apply a dark color crackle nail polish on it, in case if you selected a ark color for base than crackle polish must be light in color.
- Now start applying crackle nail polish from nails root to top very gently.
- It may take 3 to 5 minutes for complete dry.
Best base and upper coated color combinations for crackle nail polish:-
- Red for base and white for upper coat
- Green and White
- Blue and Purple
- Navy Blue with violet green
- Orange color base with blackish upper coat
Kindly feel free to share your own crackle nail polish design ideas with the rest of community.