Getting too fat or too skinny both are big troubles for a healthy life, a person who gained too much weight with a certain criteria of age or height mostly is the victim of obesity ad on the other hands if a guy do not gain weight according to his age or height, he may the victim of many dangerous diseases. If you got a sudden weight loss in short period then you must consult your doctor immediately instead of wasting your time on reading articles on the internet to diagnose your problem. The best advice is to consult some good reputed Homeopath for this issue because it is proved several times that homeopathic remedy has much more ability to cure chronic diseases then any other medical treatment, including our latest pharmacy.
The most common but dangerous causes of rapid weight loss can be the following factors.
Addison's disease
Alcohol abuses
Blood cancer
Bone cancer
Bacterial disease
Connective Tissue Disease
Cancer (any kind)
Cardio problems
Celiac disease
Chronic disease (it may interconnected)
Calcium deficiency
Crohn's disease
Diabetes (both types)
Heart problems
Hook warms in stomach
Harmonic disease
Hormone level (decrease or increase)
Irritated boil syndrome
Kidney disorders
Liver disorder
Stomach ulcer
Smoking (extreme or chain smoking)
Parkinson's disease
Peptic ulcer
Radiation factors
Renal diseases
Typhoid fever
Thyroid diseases
Ulcerative colitis
Warts cancer
The list of unexplained weight loss causes can be too long because any major disease which directly attack on your immune system can create this issue. In case if you don’t have any major disease and you also feel fit about health conditions then there are natural ways to increase your weight just by improving your diet plan.
Diet for skinny guys and girls:-
Eat food rich in protein and carbohydrates like potato, beans, meat, sweet potato, fish, oyster, etc. If you do not have any health problem then you can gain your weight by using these foods in your daily diet, you should avoid smoking, alcoholic drinks, chilly foods, etc. Also try to take your breakfast; lunch and dinner on time and must do some walk after every meal. Do not eat too hot or too cold foods and always eat meal in calm mood; do not eat any thing in anger mood or in tension.
I heard from my grandma that Alfalfa is a great natural herb to increase weight rapidly, do you please guide me how to use Alfalfa seeds in my daily diet?