Cancer Diet Plan

Cancer is a fatal disease, this deadly disease make million victims every year around the world. Cancer at stage one and stage two can be treated successfully under the observation of highly skilled doctors, homeopathic treatment is highly recommended in such a chronic cases. Cancer at 3rd and 4th stage become more dangerous and chances of recovery become very short.

By changing life style a cancer patient can live a much healthy life, in this post we will discuss about what plan is best suitable for patients who suffering in breast cancer, lungs cancer, kidney and blood cancers, etc.

Forbidden foods for a cancer patient:
A cancer patient must avoid all kind of fast foods including hot dog, pizza and burgers, etc. Preserving foods, such as tin pack milk, fizzy drinks, preserved meat, juices, etc are preserved by chemicals and these chemicals put a negative affect on cancer patients. Women who are suffering in breast and colon cancer must avoid massage of skin lotions and oils.

Foods best for cancer patients:
Fresh vegetables cooked in olive oil mostly suit cancer patients. Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants are also great blessings for cancer patients. Fruits like blue berry, papaya, apple, lemon, red grapes, black cherry are great source of natural antioxidants.

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