Best quotes by Einstein:-
- Time traveling in old times is impossible but see in future can be possible.
- A third world war may be the end of our world.
- Energy from atom can be used for the progress of human beings and as well as for the destruction of humanity.
Best quotes by Shakespeare:-
- This is the power of pen through which a person (William Shakespeare) is well known.
- Knowledge is a light and its purpose is to show you a right path.
- Knowledge is an ultimate wealth which cannot be stolen or lost.
- Seeking for knowledge is the best thing that you can do in your life.
- The best identity is the identity which you get through your knowledge.
- Books are my best friends ever.
Best quotes by Hitler:-
- Power is blind which obey no rules.
- War is useless and senseless indeed but we cannot survive without it.
- War and violence is become essential for surviving in the world.
- German holds the right to rule the world.
Famous Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi:-
- If your enemy slaps on your one cheek, offer your other cheek too.
- Freedom is the basic right for all human beings.
- The secret of good health and long age is hidden in simplicity.
- You can rule by winning wars but you can rule by winning hearts.
Wiz Khalifa quotes about life:-
- Life is immortal its humans who die.
- Love and respect the blessings you get in your life.
- Life is once so why you put it in dangers?
- Life is incomplete without love, so why you don’t love me?
- My haters hate me because I am spreading a hope of love around me.
Best quotes by Justin Bieber:-
- Music is my life and I feel secure when I lost in music.
- Music is not limited to guitar and bands but you ca feel it in your every breath.
- I travel the entire world and I am still looking for new destinations.
- Canada is my mother and United States is step mother.
- I have friendship with many girls because I am a celebrity.
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