Real Facts: Why Do We Yawn?

There are a lot of myths and stories are circulating on the internet and printed magazines in which expert discuss the actual reasons and causes of yawning, you may also read a detailed notes on Wiki and several other health blogs about the reasons behind our yawning, so do you really get the answer of why do we yawn? Obviously not, because the yawning system is not yet medically understand by any expert. Let’s take look at the most popular myths about yawning as mostly people believe on.

Yawning myths:-
We start yawning when someone else also takes a yawn.
When the oxygen level in our body reduced then we need a yawn.
We yawn when we badly get tired.
A person start yawning if he sit idle for a long time.
Yawning is a symptom that we required a good sleep.

These and so many other myths are we are listening about yawning from people around us. A latest research by German doctors suggests that we need yawning to refresh our brain, same as we refresh our computers by pressing F5 key on the keyboard. Scientist still does not find a solid evidence to proof their statement.

We hope someday we will find the exact answer about the causes of yawning. This post is open to discuss the yawn causes because still we do not get any scientific definition of this reflux action.

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