Liver is the most important part of our body, a human body cannot produce blood without this must have organ. There is only one liver in our body which performs the production of blood and pushes it to heart for the blood supply to all body parts. From the past decade the ratio of liver diseases are dangerously increased in all human races. Doctors suggest that every person must perform a LFT (Liver Function Test) at least once in a year. This test diagnoses the functionality of liver and also diagnoses any problem if you have in your liver. Liver cirrhosis, yellow fever, hepatitis B, C, anemia, etc are the highly spreading diseases related to liver.
In this article we will discuss all foods which are dangerous to liver and put high side effects on a healthy liver functionality, in second part we will discuss the foods and diets which are very useful liver cleanse and eliminate all detox materials from your liver.
Foods harmful for liver:-
If you are a patient of liver cirrhosis or any other disorder related to your liver than you must quit the following foods from your diet plan, Alcohol, bear, fizzy drinks (Pepsi, Coke, etc), dairy products, red meat, coffee, strong tea, junk food (pizza, burger, etc).
Foods good for liver:
Liver cleansing diet plans become essential for the people who are suffering from any kind of liver disorders. First of all try to improve your life style, make it as simple as you can and also do not forget to start a morning walk. All natural foods which are rich in antioxidants are very useful for liver cleanse (blue berries, chia seeds recipes, red grapes, carrots, apple, beans, etc). You can also use Carduus Marianus and Chelidonium homeopathic remedies (mother tinctures) as a tonic to detox and eliminate toxic materials from your body and liver as well.
You must add lemon drinks in your liver cleansing detox diet to get best results.
ReplyDeleteI like simple tips in diet recommended by Dr Sandra Cabot's, Dr Oz and Dr. Dodd. Believe me this diet really works great for liver cleansing with in 48 hours.