Best Diet to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

According to medical research 120-80 mm Hg indicates that your blood pressure is normal, 110-75 shows that your B.P is low and 130-83 indicates that your blood pressure is raising high. Let’s discuss each and every thing related to high blood pressure in a more general sense.

Causes of High BP:-
A person born in a family with a history of high blood pressure got 50% chances to adopt this disorder. The other most common reasons of high blood pressure are smoking, drinking alcohol, obesity, eating too much fast food, salt consumption, anger, lack of manual work, etc.

Dangers of High blood pressure:-
Living with a high blood pressure can seriously risk your life, the most common problem that can be happen due to this disorder are, heart attack, paralyses, artery diseases, sexual dysfunction, weakness of bones, kidney failures, nervous breakdown, sleeping disorders, etc.

Fastest Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally:-
By applying some prominent changes in your diet plan a person easily reduce his high blood pressure to normal and can enjoy the rhythm of a normal and healthy life. If you really want to get rid of high BP problems then you must adopt the following things in your life to lower your high blood pressure without using any medicines and drugs.

  1. Keep an eye on your waistline and do not let your body to gain extra weight.
  2. Start morning walk.
  3. Do not participate in extra manual activities.
  4. Minimize salt in your daily meal.
  5. Relax your mind by listening soft music.
  6. Sharp your sense of humor by joining company of old friends.
  7. Quit fast food items like ketchup, soda, mayonez, fizzy drinks, spicy and oily recipes.
  8. Avoid coffee, strong tea, dark chocolate and smoking.
  9. Always try to breathe deep in fresh air every day.
  10. Increase the consumption of green vegetables in your diet plan.
  11. Always prefers white meat over red meat.
  12. Dr Oz discovers that the regular use of chia seeds is great for lowering high blood pressure.
  13. Try to live in happy mood and avoid jealousy, anger and fighting with people around you.

These are the best and easy to follow natural ways to cop high blood pressure. Do not think to start it tomorrow but take a start right now.

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